Panoramic Adapter Tap Boards
The Panoramic Adapter Tap
Board (PAT Board) is a Printed Circuit Board which connects
the IF signal from a Radio Receiver or Transceiver to the Antenna Input
of the SDRplay RSP1A, RSPdx or RSPduo (and discontinued RSP2 and RSP2pro models) Software Defined Radio (SDR) Receiver, or another type of SDR Receiver covering the IF Frequency in question.
The PAT Board, designed by Dave G4HUP (SK), allows for the display of Received Signals on the Computer screen connected to the SDRplay Receiver.
You can also use the SDRplay RSP as a second receiver in addition to the frequency displayed on the main dial of the radio.
Dave's Website, will continue to be maintained by SDR-Kits in recognition of Dave's contribution to the Radio Hobby, and to share his wealth of technical knowledge.
There are a number of YouTube videos which demonstrate how to setup and use the new functionality- one example is by K4AX which is implemented on the Yaesu FT857.
Watch Tech Minds' Video on adding a second receiver to the ICOM-IC7100 by installing a PAT Board.
For more information on the PAT board and supported Radios,check out the following document: Which PAT for your rig?
The following Assembled PAT boards and Installation Kits are available from our Webshop
6 MHz Panoramic Adapter Board by hupRF - suitable for Elekraft K1, K2
12 MHz Panoramic Adapter Board by hupRF - suitable for: IC201/202, IC821 (2nd IF), TS700, IC910 (2nd IF), IC1271 (2nd IF)
FT221/225, FT290, FT920 (2nd IF), TS2000 (2nd IF), TS590, TS700, TS790E
(2nd IF), TS120/130/140/180, TenTec Orion
50 MHz Panoramic Adapter Board by hupRF - suitable for: FT757GX, FT840, FT847, FTdX1250, FTdx9000, TS430S, TS440S, Tentec TT550. IC740, IC781 and Lowe HF225
70 MHz Panoramic Adapter Board by hupRF - suitable for: FT857, FT897, FT920 (1st IF), FT950, FT991, FT1000, FT1000MP, IC703, IC706, IC745, IC746PRO, IC756, 756 Pro II and III, IC7410, IC821 (1st IF), IC9100, ICR70/75 TS450, TS480 and Alinco DX SR8T
85 MHz Panoramic Adapter Board by hupRF - suitable for 85 MHz IF Transceivers TS2k HF 1st IF, TS 570, TS850, ICR70/75
Other PAT Board types listed on the hupRF Website are available from our Webshop
The following Hardware connection kits suit the majority of Radios - See here which Installation Kit is recommended for your particular Radio.
PAT Board Generic Plug Interface Kit GPIK Hardware Connection Kit
PAT Board Generic Socket Interface Kit GSIK Hardware Connection Kit
Important information
- Before ordering a PAT board, review the Installation Instructions for your particular Radio on the hupRF Website
Make sure you are comfortable to carry out the installation, which may void the warranty of your radio. - Be aware that if you tap the 1st IF Filter after the 1st IF roofing Filter, the Panoramic Adapter Bandwith will be limited to the bandwidth of the 1st IF Roofing filter fitted on your Radio. If you tap the 1st IF before the 1st IF roofing Filter then you may obtain much wider Displays of 200 KHz or possibly more.
- Use of 2nd Receiver function requires tapping the IF Signal before the 1st IF Roofing Filter in conjunction with the HDSDR Application Software and requires specialist settings in the HDSDR Options menu as shown in the you tube video by K4AX. It may also require a PC to CAT Interface Adapter to control your Main Radio from the Computer used.