• Great 1st SDR RX
    SDRplay RSP1A 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver

The SDRplay RSP1A is a powerful, full featured 14-bit wideband SDR Receiver covering 1 kHz - 2000 MHz. It comes fully assembled and tested and requires a Personal Computer, one of the SDR Receiver Application programs as well as a suitable antenna to provide an much improved level of reception compared to cheap 8-bit SDR-RTL dongles.

Building on the success of the popular RSP1, the upgraded RSP1A offers a significant number of additional features whilst maintaining exceptional performance and great value for money.

Used with the free Professional SDRUno SDR Software you can enjoy all modes of operation whilst monitoring up to 10 MHz of spectrum in real time. SDRUno software allows you to operate from 1 up to 4 independent virtual SDR Receivers within the selected 10MHz bandwidth of the SDRplay hardware. (The actual number of Virtual SDR receivers is limited by the processing power of the PC in use).

  • Continuous coverage from 1 kHz to 2 GHz

  • Up to 10 MHz visible bandwidth

  • Powers over the USB cable with a simple type B socket

  • 14-bit ADC silicon technology (not another 8 bit dongle!)

  • 11 high-selectivity, built in front-end preselection filters

  • Software selectable AM/FM and DAB broadcast band notch filters

  • Software selectable multi-level Low Noise Preamplifier

  • Bias -T power supply for powering antenna-mounted LNA

  • RF shielding layer inside case

  • SDRuno—World Class SDR software

  • Documented API for new apps development

  • Single SMA antenna socket covering entire frequency range

RSP1A is also compatible with HDSDR, SDR-Console and Cubic SDR software packages

SDRplay provides multiplatform driver and API support which includes Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi 3. There is even a downloadable SD card image available for Raspberry Pi3 which includes Cubic SDR.

Please see our SDRplay RSP1A Webpage for more information

Download SDRplay RSP1A Datasheet

Also available:

SDRplay RSPdx 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver

SDRplay RSPduo Dual Tuner 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver

Package Contents:   1 pcs SDRplay RSP1A with "Getting Started" information.

Note:   The SDRPlay RSP1A requires a standard USB-A plug to USB-B plug Cable.
This USB Cable is NOT supplied with the RSP1 as the majority of SDRPlay buyers will already have such a cable available.

Additional optional Items to add to your order:

USB Cable for SDRplay RSP SDR Receivers USB-A to USB-B

SMA Plug to BNC Jack Adapter Connector - this allows the RSP1A to be used with common standard BNC Connectors

Loop and L-Band Antennas for SDRplay receivers


The SDRplay RSP1A comes with standard 12 month warranty, except for those EEC Countries where Local Legislation provides for additional warranty terms. SDR-Kits as a UK Distance Seller complies with the local EEC legislation. 
SDR-Kits warranty includes parts and labour and the cost of return shipping, provided the product has not been misused. Specifically the RF Power applied to the RSP1 Antenna socket should be limited to a maximum of +10dBm to avoid damage to the RSP1.

SDR-Kits is an Authorised Distributor for SDRPlay Products Worldwide

The RSP1A is available from stock - We ship within 48 hours via Registered Post / Tracked Airmail.

RSP1A product is sold through SDR-Kits' Authorised Resellers for the following Country:

Japan:  ICAS Enterprises   www.ICAS.to  

SDRplay RSP1A 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver

  • Product Code: SDRplay RSP1A SDR RX assembled and tested
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £81.25

  • incl VAT: £97.50
  • Indicative prices in EURO €96,69
  • Indicative prices in USD $104.81

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Tags: SDRplay SDR Receivers