• Price Drop!
    SDRplay RSPdx 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver

A replacement for the highly successful RSP2 and RSP2pro models, this mid-range SDR Receiver has been extensively redesigned to provide enhanced performance including additional and improved pre-selection filters, improved intermodulation performance, the addition of a user selectable DAB notch filter and more software selectable attenuation steps.

With three software selectable antenna inputs and free professional software providing an ever-increasing feature set, the versatile RSPdx is also ideally suited to a wide range of industrial, scientific & educational applications.

Used in conjunction with SDRplay’s own SDRuno software, the RSPdx features a special HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode for reception within selected bands below 2 MHz, delivering improved intermodulation performance and fewer spurious responses for these challenging bands.

The RSPdx also features a 24 MHz ‘plug and play’ reference clock input which allows the unit to be synchronised to an external reference clock, such as Leo Bodnar's GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO), also available from our Webshop

The Receiver comes fully assembled and tested, and requires a Personal Computer, one of the SDR Receiver Application programs as well as a suitable antenna to provide excellent communications receiver functionality.

        Key Features

  • 14-bit SDR Receiver covering all frequencies from 1kHz through VLF, LF, MW, HF, VHF, UHF and L band to 2GHz, with no gaps

  • Receive, monitor and record up to 10 MHz of spectrum at a time

  • Supports up to 3 simultaneously connected antennas (2 x 50 Ohms and 1 BNC Connector for lower frequencies)

  • External clock input and output for synchronisation purposes, or connection to GPS reference clock for extra frequency accuracy

  • Performance below 2MHz substantially enhanced - improved dynamic range and selectivity

  • Enhanced ability to cope with extremely strong signals

  • Excellent dynamic range for challenging reception conditions

  • Housed in strong steel case

  • Multiplatform driver and API support including Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi 3/4

Download SDRplay RSPdx Datasheet

Package Contents:  1 pcs SDRplay RSPdx with "Getting Started" information.

Note:   The SDRPlay RSPdx requires a standard USB-A plug to USB-B plug Cable.
This USB Cable is NOT supplied with the RSPdx as the majority of SDRPlay buyers will already have such a cable available.

Additional optional Items to add to your order:

USB Cable for SDRplay RSP SDR Receivers USB-A to USB-B

Leo Bodnar 2 Port and 1 Port GPSDO - recommended GPS reference clock for extra frequency accuracy

GPSDO - RSPdx, RSPduo, RSP2 or RSP2Pro External Clock in Cable


The SDRplay RSPdx comes with standard 12 month warranty, except for those EEC Countries where Local Legislation provides for additional warranty terms.  SDR-Kits as a UK Distance Seller complies with the local EEC legislation. 
SDR-Kits warranty includes parts and labour and the cost of return shipping, provided the product has not been misused. Specifically the RF Power applied to the RSPdx Antenna socket should be limited to a maximum of +10dBm to avoid damage to the RSPdx.

SDR-Kits is an Authorised Distributor for SDRPlay Products Worldwide

SDRplay Product is also sold through SDR-Kits' Authorised Reseller for Japan: ICAS Enterprises   www.ICAS.to  

SDRplay RSPdx 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver

  • Product Code: SDRplay RSPdx SDR RX assembled and tested
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £148.00

  • incl VAT: £177.60
  • Indicative prices in EURO €177,60
  • Indicative prices in USD $192.40

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Tags: SDRplay SDR Receivers