36 MHz 10ppm Crystal offered as a replacement for 12 MHz Overtone Xtal on the VNWA 2.x PCB
Offers 3 times lower frequency drift compared to original 30ppm 12 MHz Xtal supplied with the kit
Higher frequency tolerance, typically 36.000 MHZ +/- 250 Hz
Download installation instructions
Note: this modification should only be carried out by users who have some experience with electronic assembly who want to upgrade the previous model (VNWA2 came fitted with 30ppm 12 MHz Overtone Crystal)
This part is NOT required for VNWA3 or VNWA 3E as this already has high stability 2ppm TCXO!
XTAL: 36 MHz 10 ppm Crystal (replacement for 12 MHz Crystal in VNWA 2x kit)
- Product Code: T1 200MHz
- Availability: In Stock
- incl VAT: £0.90
- Indicative prices in EURO €0,91
- Indicative prices in USD $0.95